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Dunkles Rot/Mahagoni gebürstet

Dunkles Rot ungebürstet  (wie Zimtstangen)

dunkles Apricot ungebürstet (wie Cashewbutter)

Mahagoni Rot gebürstet (wie Rosenholz oder Rotwein)

Rot ungebürstet (wie Orangen-gelee)

Figure: Fur tufts of different colours in the shade

WhatsApp Image 2023-08-28 at 09.17.41.jpeg

Dunkles Rot/Mahagoni gebürstet

Dunkles Rot ungebürstet  (wie Zimtstangen)

dunkles Apricot ungebürstet (wie Cashewbutter)

Mahagoni Rot gebürstet (wie Rosenholz oder Rotwein)

Rot ungebürstet (wie Orangen-gelee)

Figure: Fur tufts of different colours in the light

Poodles in the color red are a worldwide rarity, provided they do not light up and retain their color even in adulthood. Most poodles light up. In order to keep a constant coloring, I have been dealing with this topic for years and imported and mated dogs internationally, because the breeding of dark, not or hardly fading red tones is extremely difficult. The first priority of our breeding is the health of the dog, followed by the focus on special character traits (family dogs).
Basically, many factors such as nutrition, pesticides, sun, stress or salt water can influence the coat colour. In addition, all poodle colors can fade to some degree or completely, how much depends on genetics.
In the following, the color development of a lightening poodle in two phases of life has been shown as an example. (The pictures always show the same dog)

Real red tones, on the other hand, do not/hardly fade. True red remains red into old age. Breeding these lines is a big challenge all over the world. There are very few breeders who breed poodles that are still red in old age. By 2020, it is said to have been less than ten.
Below are examples of our elders, Misi and Zora. The two were photographed at the ages of 9 and 10. The colouring is a rich red even in old age and has remained constant throughout life (extremely rare). Also of all our other poodles the red coloring of their lives is documented under "Our dogs in breeding" and can be understood.

The red tones go through several stages of colouring during the growth of the puppy. Depending on the line, lighter reds may change at a young age, later into darker reds and vice versa. At the age of about 5 months the coat color of the puppies presents itself significantly more intense compared to the younger baby coat as well as to the later adult coat. The poodles undergo a “coat change” at the age of about 5 to 11 months.
When the growth of the transitional coat is finished at about one year, for example, in the adult coat lighter shades may appear on the legs and variations of lighter and darker shades in the coat may be discerned. Also then the hair structure varies, as the coat develops from the fluffy baby coat over lively, slightly curly transition coat, to the adult curly poodle coat. This is a normal process.
However, the curls of an adult poodle can also change the everyday colour perception, as the light is refracted differently and shadows fall differently. In addition, there are lines that develop their dark coat color only from a certain coat length. This means that they appear lighter or darker depending on the haircut. In addition, isolated white hairs may be seen in the coat. Their numbers are regularly so small that they can be counted. The white hair increases with age.

 So one should be aware that the poodle fur is not an artificial color from the paint bucket and our dogs are living dogs that cannot be ordered by catalog. Our puppies receive different colour nuances and fur properties according to their parents.
We document the growing up of our dogs on our website. Coat changes are depicted there in different phases of life, the pictures are constantly updated. We are very lucky, like Misi and Zora, to have real reds with us. Seeing our breeding at this point, where it is today, was hard work, heartache, also marked by great setbacks and partly luck. Of course, there are still things that we want to optimize and that we are working on, but we are proud of what we have achieved so far

5 month, Dark Red

 1,5 years, fading Red

Zora ist Rot, mit 11 Jahren!

Misi ist Dunkelrot/Mahagonie, mit 9 Jahren!

Single white hairs in the coat of a 10 year old poodle




Luise (with Peter):
Miniature poodle bitch

Standard poodle male


Miniature poodle bitch


Standard poodle bitch

Standard poodle bitch

Standard poodle bitch

Standard poodle bitch


Miniature poodle male


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Maren Hoff & Junior

Rosengarten 50


23730 Neustadt in Holstein


Telefon: +491736164247

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